

The Mission for this Update
Review the county vision, goals and supporting recommendations and revise the plan to meet the current needs of the community through a citizen driven process. The plan should be embraced and designed by the community.

Purpose of a Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Outline a long-range statement of the community’s vision for the future
Provide strategic guidance for decision making related to development, redevelopment, preservation, and the provision of services and public facilities
Serve as formal policy document adopted by the Planning Commission and endorsed by the Board of County Commissioners.
What is in a Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive plans typically provide land use, infrastructure, and policy recommendations for a variety of topics including:

Community Character and Design
Economic Development
Redevelopment and Reinvestment
Historic Preservation
Natural Resource Preservation
Recreation and Parks
Community Facilities and Services
The recommendations are direction for county administration and elected leaders to assist in decision making on projects, regulations, and programs that seek to support a high-quality of life for current and future residents and businesses.

Pull tight
Citizen Involvement
This will be a year-long process led by McBride Dale Clarion and County planning staff with assistance from a Citizens’ Advisory Committee, which is comprised of elected and appointed county officials and other stakeholders. The Citizens’ Advisory Committee will serve as liaison between the public and the County.

This update will rely heavily on citizen update and review to shape the content of the plan. The public input opportunities will include online surveys, public meetings, and other public engagement methods.

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